Sunday, September 22, 2013

Change for the better, not the worse

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. -George Eliot

It is hard to believe that today is the first day of autumn when it is about 90 degrees and we are playing at the beach.  Although I will admit that the breeze is a bit cooler and I can slowly feel the Florida humidity subsiding.   Slowly being the key word. 

I was doing a bit of reading the other day on Ayurveda.  For those that are unfamiliar with Ayurveda here is a brief description:

Ayurveda, also known as Ayurvedic Medicine, is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda emphasizes re-establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit. According to Ayurveda, everything is composed of five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. These elements combine to form the three doshas, vata, kapha, and pitta, or metabolic types. In Ayurveda, doshas account for some of our individual differences.

As we enter the season of autumn we start to experience change in the five elements which in turn affect our doshas. Depending on one's dosha, we may think about how this new season affects all aspects of our health.  If you are interested in finding out what dosha you fall under you can take a dosha quiz to get a general idea.

Dosha Quiz

I know, some of you are going, what is this funky stuff she is rambling on about but as you start to delve into examining your own health, body, mind and spirit it is hard not to notice how everything is interconnected.

Right before my birthday I was feeling a case of the blahs both in body and mind.  I just knew in my heart that a lot of it had to do with this coming of the fall equinox.  As a long time Midwesterner, fall has always been my favorite season.  I love the environmental changes that occur in Minnesota.  The leaves start to change color, the breeze gets cooler and yes, you can smell the works of Mother Nature at hand. 

I think that because the changes in Florida are so much more subtle that I was a bit down about my "new" fall season.  So I needed something to pull me out of my funk.  I needed to examine me.

So, this month I have been participating in the Yoga Journal 21 day yoga challenge.  It is simply a self practice challenge but it has been just what I have needed.  It has forced me to stay with my self practice and I must say that I have barely missed a day.  This challenge has allowed me to turn inward and simply notice what is going on with me.  How often do we take time for that?  Probably for most of us not often enough. 

My self practice has given me time each day to check in with my body.  Since I use my body quite a bit within my career scope it can really take a beating.  I have been able to work out kinks and just feel better all around.  The biggest part of this self practice is that I get time to myself.  Nothing but the sound of my breath flowing in and out of my body.  I am taking time to focus within my heart and even if it is just for a few minutes a day, I feel more at peace.

One of the biggest things that Ayurveda says about the fall equinox is that we should stick to our usual schedules.  Continue our normal routines.  This can be challenging as we move into the busy season of holidays, parties and many times overindulgence.  It makes sense that the more we stick to our normal schedules of exercise, diet, and sleep our bodies will be better equipped with the change of the season.  As the days grow shorter and the weather a bit cooler, it is important that the body is balanced. 

One of my favorite yoga sites had a good article this month on what we should pay attention to as we enter this autumn season.  Take a look:

So as we enter into this new, enchanting season of autumn, may we find balance within our hearts, our bodies, our minds and our spirits.  May love flow freely through the changing leaves and the cooler breezes.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Another year older...

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige

I recently read an article by a woman who went through a real turning point in her life at age 36.  She felt like she had not accomplished enough at the age that she had reached.  She was looking for a way to bring more fulfillment to her life.  The article was intriguing as I am currently turning 36 today and have been having similar feelings for the past few months.

The number of the birthday has never really matter that much to me.  I still feel 21 in many ways.  I might have a few more aches and pains, a few wrinkles and more things to worry about but overall I still feel young.  I think what has been the hardest part for me this birthday is feeling like I am caught between those carefree younger years and the wise older years.  I am currently in the "Put your head down and swim" years.

It got me thinking about something I read recently with regards to life and the process of change.

In India there is a traditional Hindu social model that underscores the change we continuously experience. Called the Ashramas, or Stages of Life, it defines four distinct periods in life, during which people can and should do certain things.

The first, brahmacharya (brahmic conduct), is the student stage, during which one learns about oneself and the world.  I find that I am beyond this stage and yet I think we should always be in a constant quest to learn.

The second, grihastha (householder), is the stage of family and societal obligations. This is my current stage and yet I find myself wanting more. 

The last two stages focus on renunciation. During the third, vanaprastha (forest dweller), one is freer to begin a contemplative life. And during stage four, samnyasa (renunciation), one goes deeper, surrendering all worldly things and living as a simple mendicant.

I think that in theory we would like to move from stage one to four in order and yet I do not know if that is possible.  These stages are meant to help us accept change for we know that we will move from one stage to the other and that nothing is permanent.

As I review these stages I feel like I am at a crossroads.  I have not fully let go of stage one and I don't know if I ever will.  I am fully emerged in stage two but at times I feel that I desire stage three.  Looking ahead for that freedom to continue on my future path and calling.

As Mike and I walked on the beach yesterday (my pre-birthday beach walk), we were discussing these four Stages of Life.  He and I are both feeling the pull of stage two on our lives.  We love the craziness of having a young family and yet we want more.  We both are struggling with what is it that we need to make us happy. 

I went back to the article from the woman who turned 36 and needed more in her life.  She decided to set some personal goals for herself before she turned 40.  Some of these things were professional but many were just things she wanted to do.  It was inspiring to see what she was able to accomplish and she too had a young family but made it work.

So Mike and I declared a short list to each other as we walked along the beach and some are quite ambitious but many are simply quests that we could do as a family. Do you want to know our goals?  Well, I have to keep you coming back for more so keep reading my blog and slowly the list will be revealed. 

It was a bit more of a quiet birthday this year but I have a feeling they are just going to get bigger and better as the year's progress.  Here is to another year older in body but forever young in spirit.

May the light in me honor the light in you.
