Friday, January 3, 2014

Life lessons

You must be the change you wish to see in the world  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

I recently liked a friends post on Facebook and then got stuck with the number nine. I was supposed to do some kind of list about myself with nine ideas or something along that line. No fears, I will not assign you a number so please read with ease. For the New Year I thought it would be good to list nine things I have discovered about (my) life so far.  They could correlate with New Year's resolutions as well.

1.  Your health is your greatest asset. You only get one body so use it wisely. Seriously, if your physical body is not healthy it affects EVERYTHING.  Take care of your body and if you have had injuries there is no time like the present to start healing. No excuses just do it. Exercise, eat in moderation, sleep, meditate, and love the skin your in, no judgments. Also, stop making goals based solely on body image. Think more about "health" goals.  If you are really struggling with this hire a personal trainer or see a nutritionist.  Remember, it is an investment for your life - literally.

2.  Intelligence matters. Keep educating yourself daily. Your brain, body and society will thank you. Ignorance is not bliss, it is dangerous. Being a smart, well informed person is a good thing, flaunt it.

3.  The only person you can change is YOU. Stop trying to make others the way you want them to be, period. You will become exhausted and frustrated. It is a waste of everyone's energy.  Love people for the way they are or move on.

4.  Forgive yourself and others. The best quote I have ever heard was this, "Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your mind."  We all have done crappy things in our lives and have had bad things done to us. If you do not let go of them you become bitter. Don't be "the bitter old person." 

5.  Get over your family issues.  There is no such thing as a perfect family, parents, siblings, spouse, and kids.  If your childhood was abusive seek help from a professional to work through this pain.  If you simply are mad that you did not get everything you wanted as a kid well, go back to life lesson number four. Do not be the bitter person in the family.

6.  Learn to live with less. You do not need a lot of material things. Over the years I have tried to remove clutter from my life and it brings so much more peace within me. Get rid of clothes you never wear, donate kids stuff regularly, and only buy what you really need. Living in excess only causes more stress.  Embrace being called a "hippie" or "granola."

7.  Say "I love you" often to the people you really do love. You never know if it might be your last time.

8.  Try your hardest to do what you love for a living. Sometimes that means just part time to start out while you work another job that you are not crazy about. If you really want it, it will eventually become your full time passion/career.

9.  Be kind to those who are unkind to you.   Smile and remember that the way people treat you says more about them then you.  The Golden Rule is so simple, live by it, always.

Here is to a New Year filled with a healthy body, mind and spirit.  Let go of what you do not need and embrace that which brings you full life.

Happy New Year dear friends!
