Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Birthday in remembrance

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.   ~ Shannon L. Alder

It has been a while since I have written a blog.  The latter part of 2016 seemed to turn our world upside down and I am not even talking about the election.   As the beginning of the school year started in August for our kids, we were given the news that Mike's sister Sue was terminal with cancer.  It rocked our world to the core.  Mike's sweet and sassy sister Sue passed away in September and it changed our lives.   I know that this has been even harder for my husband but it has really affected me as well.  I think this has been one of the main reasons I could not write.  I just did not know what to say.  Memories of my own fathers passing resurfaced and I can definitely say I have been sad and depressed.

Today, Sue would have turned 50 years old.  Since knowing Sue I can say without a doubt that there
would have been a HUGE birthday party today to celebrate her.  I bet that most people would use the word "fun" to describe Sue in some way or another.  She was the life of the party, the ultimate party planner and just an all around joy to be around. 

Sue was one of the first people my husband introduced me to in his family when we were first dating almost 17 years ago.  I knew that she was special to him for he was so excited for me to meet her.  She was simply a cool person. 

Sue was a great mother, daughter, sister and friend to so many people.  I was not able to say an official goodbye to Sue but if I were able to say something to her it would be this:

Dear Sue,

You are dearly missed by so many people.  I want to thank you for the following things:

1.  For being an incredible woman.  You walked your own walk and owned it like a boss. 

2.  For raising three amazing kids.  I am in awe at how all three of them stood up at your "Celebration of Life" and talked about you.  They are strong and compassionate people - you would be proud.

3.  For being such a great, older sister to my husband.  It means a lot to me to see how important family is to him.  I believe you and your family influenced him often. He misses you so and I know the past few months have not been easy for him.

4.  For being a friend to so many people.  You touched so many people with your positive attitude and bright smile.  So many people never knew how much you were suffering at the end for you were more concerned about them then yourself.  You always had so much love in your heart for other people.

I know that this is not goodbye but simply "see you again soon."  Thank you for sharing your love and light to this world - I am truly blessed to have known you.


P.S.  I hope you are dancing to Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" somewhere really amazing. 

Losing a loved one is not easy but it does remind us that our time here on earth is precious and uncertain.  Love with all your heart and soul - always.

Until next time dear friends,


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