Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Back to School Wish

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.    
~ Margaret Mead

This week the girls headed back to school.  I am in awe that it is the fourth year at their school here in Florida.  Where did the time fly?  Hard to believe that we have a 3rd and 5th grader.

I can honestly say that this year I felt well prepared.  The girls seemed to take more ownership of the first day this year and that helped.  Not a lot of drama which makes for a much smoother first week of school.  This is a big deal when you have two girls!

As the girls grow older I have noticed that I feel quite confident in their academics.  They are intelligent kids for sure.  I know that as they get older there will be some bumps in the road.  The bumps that I am referring to have nothing to do with academics but more the social development and hurdles that come with being human.

I worry about them.  I worry about how they are treated by others. I worry about how they treat others as well.  I know they are kind and loving children and I worry that over time there will be occurrences that might dim that light in their hearts.

I remember growing up and facing some challenging social obstacles as a kid and young adult.  I also remember not always being kind myself as a young person.  Feeling the need to fit in sometimes trumped being a good person.  I know now looking back that this was wrong and I stress to my kids often that being a smart, kind and loving person are the most important things you can do for yourself and others.

Yet, I know it is not easy.  I even see adults faced with this dilemma as well.  I remember when I first moved down here I had a few altercations at one of my jobs where a fellow coworker treated me like I was not welcomed.  She was literally mean to me deliberately.  I thought I was having high school flashbacks.  I could not believe that a grown woman could act that way?

After some time I realized that this person felt threatened by me.  Why?  I have no idea but for some reason I must have been treading on territory already claimed.  After time, I slowly was accepted by this person.  I must have become less threatening when she realized that I was simply a woman trying to live her life in a harmonious manner.

It's hard as a grown woman and parent to start to see and hear the moments that you remember as a child yourself that were not always so fun.  The girls will face those hard decisions on whether to take the high road or take the popular road.  They will not get invited to parties some times and there will be tears.  They will have to decide for themselves who is a true friend and who is not.

My thoughts always go back to the yoga principle of ahimsa or non-harming.  I believe this relates to so many aspects of our lives.  Non-harming applies to both how we treat ourselves and how we treat others.  It is hard to explain this some times to my children but I have decided that the more I can stress the importance of this thought AND action that they just might have an easier (or somewhat easier) time with this thing we call life.

Choosing the more just road is not easy.  We are all faced with daily decisions on doing what is best for ourselves and hopefully others as well.

My wish for this coming school year for my kids (and all kids) is that they may learn how to show respect, love and kindness for others and themselves as well.  Knowing that in the end, peace, love and kindness shall always prevail.

May that light shining bright in their eyes and hearts be constantly burning.  If they can keep that fire lite within them for the future days then they will have accomplished a great deal in this world.

Here is to a new, bright, bold, loving and peaceful school year for all.

May the light in me honor the light in you.


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