I was training a client the other day and I asked her what she was doing for Memorial Day weekend. She recently moved to Florida as well and her response was "I don't know. I was so used to going to the cabin where I used to live that I don't know what I am supposed to do down here." I thought that was kind of funny for my gut response to her was "Go to the beach of course!"
It has been helpful to have the beautiful distraction of the Gulf and the mild weather these past eleven months to assist with our big move. It is hard to believe that we are just a few weeks away from completing our first full year in Florida. I can truly say it has been life-changing. Actually, what it has really made me do is examine the process of change and how every person handles it differently.
As I look at my family, I can say that we have each adjusted well. A lot of this has to do with the fact that we have each other. Our relocation to Florida basically forced us to be a close family. We were always very involved with our kids, doing things together but since moving down here that has been the main focus. Whether we head to the beach or to the fruit stand, we do it together.
Both Mike and I have been fortunate to have careers that we could jump right into once we arrived. I cannot express how important my teaching and training at the YMCA has kept me connected and alive. I am thankful to have a place where I can practice my skills and help people each and every day.
The girls have settled so well into their new school and have met some very fun friends. We were invited to a Memorial Day party of one of Chloe's classmates and it was so nice to hang out with other people who have gone through similar experiences like us. We kind of like the new Memorial Day tradition of a pool party!
So I thought again over Memorial Day weekend about my client who always headed to the cabin. Yeah, we used to do similar things like heading to the cabin as well living in Minnesota but now we have other things we can do. Sometimes it is important to change things up, give something else a try. It all goes back to how we handle change. I could wallow in the fact that I am not in Minnesota or I can embrace that fact that I am about 10 minutes away from one of the best beaches in the whole U.S.A. Things change and thank goodness they do. It is not always easy but it is definitely doable.
Walking on the beach a few times per week has become a great way for me calm my mind and enjoy my change of scenery. This journey has not been all rainbows and kittens but it has been a beautiful adventure so far. I look forward to completing my first year and am excited to see what the next year brings us.
May the light in me honor the light in you.
P.S. I am happy to report that my client did end up going to the beach on Memorial Day weekend!